Your Business Can Avoid Joe Paterno's Legacy

Throughout the decades Joe Paterno coached Penn State’s football team to glory however; he may ultimately be remembered by many as the man who allegedly followed the rule book but did what was morally wrong. A synopsis of Paterno’s actions as described news outlet across America are as follows. In 2002 a Penn State University graduate student allegedly witnessed a young boy being harmed by defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky The offense was allegedly reported the offense to Joe Paterno. Following the rule book, Paterno alerted university officials. The story ends here. Sandusky continues to have a well-paid position until 2011. Paterno continues to coach the football team to victory season after season. Only after the story breaks to the public are morally responsible actions taken.
Parents will continue to send students to Penn State University. Alumni will continue to cheer for its team. Make no mistake however; the decades of accomplishments by Joe Paterno are overshadowed by his alleged unwillingness to be morally responsible. The young boys allegedly harmed by Sandusky after 2002 could have been prevented.
Now look back to a company that acted morally responsible. In 1982, potassium cyanide was placed in Extra-Strength Tylenol throughout Chicago. Seven individuals died from this form of terrorism. Johnson & Johnson (the makers of the pain reliever) could have simply taken Tylenol off the counters in the Chicago area. Instead, the company immediately recalled Tylenol from the stores nationwide. Consumers, advertisers and other businesses praised J&J for its swift actions. Today the company is one of the most well-liked companies by consumers.
The moment any person goes into business, you have the potential for problems; big problems and little problems. The more employees the company hires, the more potential for problems. Penn State’s current problems shocked the university and the nation. Any retailer would be naïve to think that this problem will never happen in your company. The best defense is a good offense. In other words, retailers must develop and implement effective policies for a wide array of potential situations. Below is a list of tips designed to protect your company’s legacy.
Tips to Protecting Your Company Legacy:
• Develop company policies
• Enforce all company policies
• Make policies easily accessible to all employees
• Update policies on an on-going basis
• Place safety before profits
Profits and winning are important. Above all, moral responsibility trumps profits, winning and company embarrassment. Everyone likes to be at the top. Johnson & Johnson continually demonstrates that a company can win, achieve profits and be at the top while simultaneously acting in morally responsible ways.